Musical Theatre Educators' Alliance

Established in the United States in 1999, we're proud of our history in strengthening musical theatre training all around the world.


About MTEA

Musical Theatre Educators’ Alliance was founded in 1999 as a means for teachers of young professional artists to come together and exchange ideas, methodologies, and solutions to common challenges in the academic settings of universities and conservatories. The organization has since grown to include members and institutions around the globe, and in all areas of Musical Theatre training. We are excited to welcome private studio owners and teachers, secondary educators, graduate students, part-time and full-time faculty at conservatories, colleges, and universities, as well as anyone else interested in Musical Theatre Pedagogy. Membership provides not only an online forum for discussions pertaining to musical theatre training and the exchange of ideas and resources but also access to our annual conference, which alternates between US and international locations.

Our Mission

MTEA is an international community of professional scholars and artists that are a primary resource for collaboration, camaraderie, information sharing, and support for the strengthening and development of musical theatre educators. We are united by a love of musical theatre and encourage the development of, and commitment to, the highest current standards in education and training. We provide support to the musical theatre community by promoting discussion and dissemination of musical theatre pedagogy through an anti-racist and inclusive lens, across all aspects of identity.

Our Vision

MTEA will be a leading informational resource for musical theatre training programs through its robust and diverse membership of educators. It will facilitate mentorship and support for all members and will address challenges within musical theatre education and the industry at large by promoting anti-racist and inclusive pedagogy and research. It will be a leading model for musical theatre training that reflects a global cultural competency and inclusive space incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion principles. 

First in Class and Beyond

We're committed to promoting the highest standards in the education and training of musical theatre performers, teachers, coaches, and consultants for all performance media. We serve teachers and administrators who teach students in professional musical theater training programs.


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