Not an MTEA Member?
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Certify that their musical theatre work aligns with MTEA’s mission statement and Code of Ethics
- Provide details about their musical theatre work via the questionnaireÂ
- Provide a link (Google Drive or Dropbox) to a folder containing the following materials:
- 3 demo song MP3s (demos do not need to be professionally produced)
- 20-30 consecutive pages of libretto (pdf)
- Cast breakdown with vocal ranges (pdf)
- Synopsis of the musical work - 200 words or fewer (pdf)
- Bios for writers/creators - 1 page (pdf)
- Developmental history - 1 page (pdf)Â
MTEA recommends that your written samples contain a watermark and that your files are set to “view only” within your online platform.
The NWCC Review Committee will review all submissions prior to posting in the NWCC and reserves the right to decline inclusion for any musical theatre work that, in its absolute and sole discretion, does not align with MTEA’s Mission & Vision Statement and/or Code of Ethics. The Review Committee also reserves the right to later remove any musical theatre work initially included in the NWCC that it subsequently determines, in its absolute and sole discretion, is in violation of MTEA’s Mission & Vision Statement and/or Code of Ethics. The MTEA Mission & Vision statement can be found HERE. The MTEA Code of Ethics can be found HERE.Â
MTEA will not facilitate or participate in negotiations between creators and MTEA members related to collaboration and/or production of new musical theatre works listed in the NWCC. MTEA is providing the NWCC as part of its charitable and educational mission to serve as a resource for collaboration, camaraderie, information sharing, and support for the strengthening and development of musical theatre educators and assumes no liability related to any aspect of such collaborations and/or productions.
Ready to Submit?
*I understand that by submitting the questionnaire and a link to my materials for inclusion in the NWCC, the link and details I provide will be available to all members of MTEA through its membership portal. MTEA is not responsible for its memberships’ use of the NWCC.
I further understand that if any aspect of my musical theatre work is found to infringe on any existing copyright, my work will be immediately removed from the NWCC.